UEI# ELXFYJCQ3VZ5 | CAGE# 81K65 | GSA Contract # 47QSMS24D000Q

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USBTA and industry news relevant to the bomb technician community.

PRESS RELEASE – USBTA Receives Rural Maryland Economic Development Funds for Facility Expansion and Equipment

The Maryland Department of Commerce completed its distribution of the Rural Maryland Economic Development Funds (RMEDF) to the United States Bomb Technician Association (USBTA) located in Indian Head, Maryland. The purpose of these funds is to support infrastructure projects that will support economic growth, stimulate private investment, and grow jobs in the state’s rural counties. “As we close the 2023 year, we want to relay a special thanks to the Tri County Council of Southern Maryland (TCCSMD), Maryland Department of Commerce, Charles County Economic Development Department, and our Charles County Commissioners for their tireless efforts and collaboration in support of USBTA securing these funds,” said Sean Dennis, CEO of the United States Bomb Technician Association (USBTA). Managed by TCCSMD the economic development funds totaling $817,000 include $267,000 for critical lab equipment and $550,000 for the 17,000 sq ft renovation underway at the Maryland Technology Center at Indian Head. “As a proud partnership between the Maryland Department of Commerce, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, and the Charles County Economic Development Department, the Rural MD Economic Development Fund Grant awarded to USBTA for expanding their Indian Head training facility is a testament to our joint dedication to empowering our local economy. This collaboration underscores our shared vision of bolstering economic growth and prosperity in the County, catalyzing progress, and vitality within the new Western Charles County Technology Corridor.” said Charles County Director of Economic Development Kelly Slagle.

The Maryland Technology Center (MTC) at Indian Head is a multi-use training and research facility with a focus on emerging technology research and development, testing and evaluation, technology training, and critical First Responder training.  “Today is a fantastic day for Charles County and the entire nation, and I am overjoyed to have the USBTA and their industry partners in Charles County,” expressed Commissioner and TCCSMD Board Chair Ralph Patterson. “Through regional and national partners, the TCCSMD was able to identify the need for national and international bomb detection and elimination services and foster a plan to fill that need right here in Western Charles County. The Charles County Economic Development Department, the Rural MD Economic Development Fund, and the Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland showed the collective will and vision to help bolster economic growth and prosperity in Charles County while enhancing our National Defense.”

The USBTA relocated from Colorado several years ago and renovated 13,000 sq ft of the 30,000 sq ft blighted building at 4450 Indian Head Highway.  They opened their doors in May 2022 with five industry partners collocated, including: MithiXPro, MED-ENG, DETECTACHEM, PENDAR, and ADS.  Most of the lab equipment is located in the completed portion of the MTC, the USBTA Bomb Disposal Technology and Training Center, and has been installed including: a Wet lab, Metal and Machine shop, an Instrumentation Room, Electronics lab, 3-D printing lab, and a computer lab. As a catalyst in this effort, TCCSMD Executive Director John Hartline expressed that, “We are proud to support USBTA and the Velocity Center as new locations where technology transfer can happen, and new ideas can continuously be developed and shared.”

The $550,000 RMED funds are being directed toward the $2.2M needed to complete the 17,000 sq ft expansion of the MTC which is expected to open in the summer of 2024.  The entire MTC, including the USBTA Bomb Disposal Technology and Training Center, will be the first of its kind in the country for engagement and collaboration with active-duty Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) warfighters from all military branches and with public safety bomb technicians allowing for classified and unclassified training, educational, and collaboration spaces; a venue for technology demonstration/showcasing; and a secure and equipped environment for prototyping, fabrication, and experimentation.  

The United States Bomb Technician Association (USBTA), a 501c3 membership nonprofit, provides training opportunities with emerging technologies, and encourages the sharing of resources, ideas, and experiences among bomb specialists, academia, innovators, and industry partners.  This collaboration also addresses improvements to operational training/education, product improvement, and awareness of charitable efforts across the First Responder and Warfighter communities.

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