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» Technology Training Exercises


Posted by: Economic Development Team on Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The United States Bomb Technician Association  (USBTA) is establishing an emerging technology research, development, and training facility in the Town of Indian Head, making it the second major revitalization project for the town in the space of two years. The first project was the CSM Velocity Center, an off-base collaboration space for the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD), which was a big draw for the USBTA seeking space close to NSWC IHD.


Bomb tech association site established in Indian Head


The United States Bomb Technician Association established a multi-use site in Indian Head in November that plans to grow education and technology in accordance with the town and the Naval Support Facility.

A former CVS Pharmacy on Route 210 in Indian Head will be redeveloped into a bomb disposal technology training campus. USBTA was formed in October 2016 by Sean Dennis, president and CEO, and Sgt. Jon Vaala, chairman of the board.

Dennis said the organization, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was founded with the premise of filling gaps in the community for military and public safety. He said the biggest gaps they have found are technology driven, so the organization tries to take trained bomb technicians and apply their skills to available technology.


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