SGT. Brian Knudsen
Chairman of the Board
It is these experiences and the tight-knit
community of Bomb Technicians that inspire him to want to provide support and training to Bomb Squads around the country. Brian recognizes the many obstacles Bomb Squads across the nation encounter such as costly training and constrained department budgets. His goal is to raise awareness to private entities about these obstacles in order to build financial partnerships which support USBTA's training mission and contribute to the safety of their communities.

Sean Dennis
President & CEO / Co-Founder
Board Member
Sean was also the Assistant Emergency Manager for one of the largest counties in Colorado and a state certified HAZ-MAT Technician. He has been involved in the Bomb Technician/Explosive community for over 25 years and has been involved in high profile events and critical incidents which has assisted in developing his knowledge and skills as a Bomb Technician.
Sean is a co-founder and current President/CEO of the United States Bomb Technician Association (USBTA). He feels strongly in supporting the Bomb Techniciancommunity and has reached out to military EOD units and Public Safety Bomb Squads to listen and learn on what they would like to see in an organization like theUSBTA. Sean has spent much of his time helping other organizations who have supported Bomb Technicians in need of assistance and supported training exercises between Military and Public Safety Bomb Technicians. He has formed great partnerships with many from the military and public safety communities and hopes to bring these two groups together in a strong viable partnership.

Jon Vaala
Director of Wellness and Charitable Endeavors / Co-Founder / Board Member
Jon graduated from the FBI's Hazardous Devices School (HDS) in 2000 and attended the University of Denver's Public Safety Leadership Development School. Having started on the Bomb Squad in March of 1999, serving over 24 years, Jon was a Team Leader, a Tactical Bomb Technician, a SWAT explosive breacher for 16 years and also a firearms instructor. Jon is passionate about the EOD and Public Safety Bomb Technician (PSBT) communities. Being involved in multiple high-profile incidents and events over his career has driven his mission to promote cooperation and collaboration amongst the bomb technician community, both EOD and PSBT.
With Jon’s position as Director of Wellness and Charitable Endeavors, his focus is on promoting health and wellness through foundational partnerships, as well as continuously earning industry partnerships, looking for suitable charitable partnerships and bringing awareness to the public in general by highlighting the mostly anonymous work EOD and Public Safety Bomb Technicians do.
Jon, as a co-founder of the USBTA, is known for bringing the right people together and firmly believes in the philosophy, "If service is below you, leadership is beyond you."

Alicia Colley

Sean Dennis
President & CEO / Co-Founder / Board Member
Sean was also the Assistant Emergency Manager for one of the largest counties in Colorado and a state certified HAZ-MAT Technician. He has been involved in the Bomb Technician/Explosive community for over 25 years and has been involved in high profile events and critical incidents which has assisted in developing his knowledge and skills as a Bomb Technician.
Sean is a co-founder and current President/CEO of the United States Bomb Technician Association (USBTA). He feels strongly in supporting the Bomb Techniciancommunity and has reached out to military EOD units and Public Safety Bomb Squads to listen and learn on what they would like to see in an organization like theUSBTA. Sean has spent much of his time helping other organizations who have supported Bomb Technicians in need of assistance and supported training exercises between Military and Public Safety Bomb Technicians. He has formed great partnerships with many from the military and public safety communities and hopes to bring these two groups together in a strong viable partnership.

Robert vonLoewenfeldt
Chief of Operations
In 2002 he joined the Chatham County Police Bomb Squad, which later became the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Bomb Squad.He took command of the squad in 2006 and shortly after became the Southern Technician representative to NBSCAB. Rob left SCMPD in 2013 for a job with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) Bomb Squad. His duties with SLED include functioning as a SWAT operator, a K-9 handler, and a diver for the Maritime Response Unit. In addition to over 14 years as a FBI certified bomb technician, Rob is also a lead instructor for the FBI's Maritime Bomb Technician Program, a member of the DHS's First Responder Response Group, the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office's IDD/EOD-LIC subgroup, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology's ASTM Robotics group. He has published several FBI Special Technician bulletins and, developed the national testing standards for underwater robots.
Rob is passionate about bomb squad integration with tactical teams, public safety dive teams, and US Military partners. Rob also
consistently works with industry to develop innovated tools, tactics and techniques to assist in closing operational gaps in bomb
squad capabilities.

Jon Vaala
Director of Wellness and Charitable Endeavors / Co-Founder / Board Member
Jon graduated from the FBI's Hazardous Devices School (HDS) in 2000 and attended the University of Denver's Public Safety Leadership Development School. Having started on the Bomb Squad in March of 1999, serving over 24 years, Jon was a Team Leader, a Tactical Bomb Technician, a SWAT explosive breacher for 16 years and also a firearms instructor. Jon is passionate about the EOD and Public Safety Bomb Technician (PSBT) communities. Being involved in multiple high-profile incidents and events over his career has driven his mission to promote cooperation and collaboration amongst the bomb technician community, both EOD and PSBT.
With Jon’s position as Director of Wellness and Charitable Endeavors, his focus is on promoting health and wellness through foundational partnerships, as well as continuously earning industry partnerships, looking for suitable charitable partnerships and bringing awareness to the public in general by highlighting the mostly anonymous work EOD and Public Safety Bomb Technicians do.
Jon, as a co-founder of the USBTA, is known for bringing the right people together and firmly believes in the philosophy, "If service is below you, leadership is beyond you."

Dr. Joseph Brady
Chief Chemist
In particular, Dr. Brady developed a technique for the field expedient destruction of TATP using commercial off-the-shelf materials. He determined the sensitivity and explosive performance of ETN relative to other tetranitrates (PETN and SMX) in addition to optimizing analytical methods for the 3 materials. He identified additives that would prevent the use of hydrogen peroxide and fertilizers as explosive precursors, without interfering with their intended use. His master’s thesis, Formation of Organic Peroxides in Solution, investigated the possibility of incidental formation of TATP and DADP in an industrial process.
Currently, Joe provides subject matter expertise to TSA on explosives and chemistry related matters. Previously he developed energetic polymers and novel fuel/oxidizer mixtures to defeat chemical and biological weapons for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Joe worked with the Department of State’s Chemical Security Program to engage with and enhance the chemical security of our Nation’s international partners in commerce, industry, academia and law enforcement.

Peter Nagel, P.C.
Chief Counsel
..including board and officer governance responsibilities, mergers and corporate restructurings, participation in tax-exempt financings, unrelated business taxable income issues, and the implementation of endowments and planned giving programs.
His diverse client base includes -
- community foundations, supporting organizations, and corporate and private foundations
- organizations that own and operate affordable housing nationwide
- state, national, and international trade associations
- religious organizations of all denominations
- organizations engaged in political and legislative advocacy, and
- a wide variety of charities engaged in education at all levels, the prevention, treatment, and cure of diseases, arts and culture, amateur sports, environmental protection, scientific research, and services to the elderly, the needy, and the underprivileged

VP of Operations
Scott R. Fulkerson
Prior to this assignment, Special Agent Fulkerson was a Project Officer in the Explosives Training Branch, Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia and was then promoted to Program Manager for the Home Made Explosives training program at the National Center for Explosives Training and Research, Huntsville, Alabama for which he received the Johnny A. Masengale Memorial Award. He also served as the National Bomb Squad Commander for ATF. Special Agent Fulkerson started with ATF in Baltimore, Maryland and proudly served as a Special Agent Bomb Technician and Certified Explosives Specialist and was assigned to the North East National Response Team. Special Agent Fulkerson received the U.S. Attorney General’s award in recognition for his work on the Washington Area Serial Arsonist Case. Special Agent Fulkerson is currently an instructor for the University of Virginia, National Criminal Justice Command College and an adjunct professor for Waynesburg University Criminal Justice Master’s Program. Prior to joining ATF, Special Agent Fulkerson was a U.S. Probation and Parole Officer in Brooklyn N.Y. for three years. He is a graduate of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Leaders in Police Organization Course and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Public Administration and has over 25 years of law enforcement experience.

Col (Ret) Gerardo Meneses
Director of Business Planning Strategy
He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Ordnance Corps and branch-detailed to Armor branch. He graduated from West Point with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering Psychology and later completed Masters of Education Degree at Long Island University. His military education includes Armor Officer's Basic Course, the Combined Logistics Officer Advanced Course, the Basic Explosive Ordnance Disposal Course, the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) and the Joint Forces Staff College. COL Meneses most recently completed a Senior Service College Fellowship at the University of Denver's Korbel School of International Studies.
Colonel Meneses' assignments include the 1-66 Armor Battalion, Fort Hood, TX serving as a tank platoon leader, tank company
executive officer and BN assistant operations officer during their deployment to Operation Sea Signal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. At Fort Hood he also served as the Brigade Maintenance Officer in the 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. He then served as a Company Commander of the 18th Ordnance Company (EOD), Fort Bragg, NC. Following that assignment, he returned to West Point to complete his master's degree and serve as a Tactical Officer overseeing cadet company E-1 at the USMA. Following
graduation from the CGSC, he was assigned as the Executive officer of the 184th Ordnance Battalion (EOD) and deployed with
them in support of Operation OIF III. To leverage his combat experience and technical expertise he was assigned to the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization in Washington, DC to oversee the rapid development, procurement and fielding of CREW (Counter Radio-controlled IED Electronic Warfare) and Force-Protection equipment. He was then assigned to Fort
Carson, Colorado where he served as the operations officer and then Commander of the 71st Ordnance Group (EOD) (PROV),
prior to assuming command of the 242d Ordnance Battalion (EOD). During command he established a model training program
with local, state & federal public safety bomb squads and TSA. He later deployed the BN to Afghanistan from July 2013 to July
2014 ISO OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, where he commanded JTF Paladin and all joint-service EOD units supporting conventional forces in Afghanistan. He was most recently assigned as the Director of the Asia Pacific C-IED Fusion Center, Fort
Shafter, HI.

Paul Perricone
Technology and Training Program Manager
Paul spent 18 years in the Bomb Squad as a team leader, where he handled many high-profile cases as well as security for local and foreign dignitaries. Prior to the Bomb Squad, Paul was assigned to the Emergency Services Unit as a SWAT and Heavy Rescue Specialist.

Christopher W. Skillman
Technical Consultant
He was certified as a Special Agent Bomb Technician (SABT) in July 2004. His FBI assignments included the Denver Division from 1997 until 2010 and the Birmingham Division from 2010 until 2016. He was promoted to be a Supervisory SABT at Hazardous Devices School in April 2016 and assumed program management responsibility for Certification Training on October 1, 2018. Chris has extensive experience with international and domestic terrorism investigations, crime scene processing, render safe procedures, command post operations, special event planning/support and training.

Shajahan JagTiani
Training and Development Manager

Shirley Short
Senior Analyst

Amber Lowe
Corporate Relations and Facilities Manager

Deletria Battle
Research Chemist

Carol Finkle
Administrative Assistant

Eugene J. "Gene" Squires
Government Affairs Advisor
Mr. Squires became Director of Government Affairs for the United States Bomb Technicians Association November 14, 2016. Mr. Squires is a retired EOD Soldier and President of the U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Association; member of the International Association of Bomb Technicians & Investigators; and life member and Chairman, EOD Committee of the National Defense Industrial Association.

Mr. Kevin Miles
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after 23 years as a Special Agent Bomb Technician. For the past 3 years, he has been· teaching pre-and post- blast investigation techniques as a government contractor to students from around the world. He is a 1989 graduate of the FBl's Hazardous Devices School in Huntsville, AL. At that time, he was a member of the Tulsa, OK Police Department Bomb Squad. In 1990, after eight years as a police officer, he joined the FBI. He served in the Gallup, NM, Buffalo, NY and Los Angeles, CA Field Offices. While in Los Angeles, he was named the FBl's first officially assigned full-time bomb technician. He served in that capacity for more than 17 years.

Eric J. Gahagan
Eric has a vast amount of experience relative to explosive detection canine training and operations, homemade explosives, SWAT interoperability, and counter IED response with more than 3,000 calls to service as a bomb technician.Eric has lectured hundreds of times to both public and private sector and shared the operational lessons learned responding to the Boston Marathon Attack while providing training relative to a progressive dismounted approach to counter IED operations, Homemade Explosives, Robot Operations and Explosive Breaching.
In 2015, Eric formed the OPS15 LLC, which connects some of the most experienced and progressive operators internationally for the purposes of training, consulting and preparing others and serves as consulting partner and advisor to many technology partners in the areas of explosives detection and mitigation, robotics, diagnostics, and dismounted operations.
In January 2016, OPS15 Field Operations Group began providing security to clients in need of a progressive solution to emerging hazardous threats providing innovative techniques to our clients to ensure a safe environment for large venues exceeding 60,000 people as well as small high-level meetings and personal protection of executives. Eric became a founding partner at 6 WATCH Inc. in August of 2017 and brought his public safety expertise to develop a first of its kind lidar assisted 360 threat detection and alert system for public safety vehicles. In 2019, Eric took a position as Senior Direct of Business Development with EPE North America focusing on putting cutting edge technology into the hands of first responders with the customer service and support that the market deserves and desires.

Dr. John "JD" Olive
and sustainment programs, encompassing 1,500 Unit Type Codes, a $1B resources portfolio, $300M, 5-year program central procurement program, a $91M Air Force demolition munitions inventory for 19 career fields, directly enabling the Organize, Train, and Equip of 1,700 Total Force EOD Airmen at 84 locations worldwide. As Air Force SME, Dr. Olive is the service focal point for DoD Operational Environmental Executive Services Committee on Munitions, Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board (DDESB) for EOD issues, and other joint and national level committees developing DoD and industry unexploded explosive ordnance (UXO) standards. Chairs the EOD Information Management System Joint Configuration Control Board (EODIMS JCCB) on incident reporting and data sharing. He develops concept and operational plans to orchestrate the implementation of new programs into existing Air Force architecture, such as Rapid Explosive Hazard Mitigation to enable Airfield Damage Recovery operations, a $2.7B portfolio, is accountable for development of tactics, techniques, and procedures for all nine-core EOD mission areas, and is the final authority for technical issue resolution. Dr. Olive Olive joined the Air Force in May 1982, and served honorably for over 25 years, retiring August, 2007 as the Air Force EOD Career Field Manager. In this position, then Chief Master Sergeant Olive established manpower, equipment, training, and classification requirements for 1,700 Airman at 52 active duty and 25 Guard and Reserve installations. Chief Olive was the EOD focal point for the Civil Engineer Blue Suit Review; efforts gained 159 funded enlisted positions, Chaired EOD Optimization Plan, realigned forces into four distinct flight sizes, advocated for and garnered Headquarters Air Force EOD Program Director position, and drove stand-up of Combat Battlefield Ready Airmen (CoBRA) Course, enhancing combat readiness of our EOD force, while proving “Airmen training Airmen” is model for success. Upon his retirement, Dr. Olive continued his service to the Air Force, serving as the Chief, EOD Branch, Headquarters Air Force Space Command, Civil Engineer Operations and Readiness Division, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. During this period, Dr. Olive was responsible for the Air Force Space Command EOD programs at 7 major installations and 65 Geographically Separated Units. Directly responsible for developing EOD concept and operational plans in support of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and United States Space Launch Systems, and Weapons Recovery Group Lead for the nuclear Response Task Force, before assuming his current position in November, 2014.

1SG David A. Grotkin
Special Board Member
He conducted multiple combat operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq while supporting both conventional and special operation's counter IED missions. While not deployed, David supported state and local public safety on numerous EOD incidents throughout the United States.
David's goal is to bring both public safety and military bomb technicians together to learn from each other. He feels strongly about training and equipment and, understands that his community can only benefit from excellent training and great equipment. He believes that the joint experience from these two communities can only make them stronger and lead to a lasting partnership.

Thomas Vail
Prior to his Army career, Tom was a decorated police officer in the state of South Carolina and later Maine.
He is a graduate of Naval School EOD and Hazardous Devices School (recertification) along with many other schools and certifications including, certifying as an “overseas cadre” member of the Hong Kong Police Bomb Squad, EOD WMD certification from the Defense Nuclear Weapons School, and Certified International Post Blast Investigator from the IABTI. His expertise has been recognized by being qualified as an expert witness in several federal prosecutions for EOD procedures, post blast investigations, explosive effects, and EOD reporting.
With extensive experience both in combat and in the community, he brings decades of military and public service to the USBTA.

Eric C. Correll
During his military service, after training in and graduating from
diving/salvage and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) schools, Eric conducted multiple tours at sea
and ashore, including serving with and leading EOD detachments and task units at sea and ashore
in INDOPACOM, CENTCOM, EUCOM and NORTHCOM areas of responsibility.
He was honored to lead all Navy Expeditionary Combat Forces in western INDOPACOM as
Operational Commander, Task Force 75, which included EOD and maritime expeditionary security
Sailors, Seabees and expeditionary logistics forces, and previously he commanded EOD Training
and Evaluation Unit 1 and served as executive officer of EOD Mobile Unit 5 forward in the Western
Pacific. Operational staff deployments included serving with 1st Infantry Division and 1st Armored
Division in Iraq, with U.S. 7th Fleet afloat in western INDOPACOM, and with USS Enterprise Carrier
Battle Group and USS Wasp Amphibious Ready Group afloat and ashore in CENTCOM and
EUCOM areas. Joint assignments included the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the JointImprovised-Threat Defeat Organization and Executive Assistant to the Director, Pakistan Afghanistan
Coordination Cell. Eric’s final military assignment was commanding officer, Naval Surface Warfare
Center Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD). A field activity of Naval Sea Systems Command, NSWC
IHD focused on energetics and ordnance research, development, testing, evaluation, manufacturing,
in-service support and disposal; as part of its core mission, NSWC IHD provided EOD warfighters
solutions to detect, locate, access, identify, render safe, recover, exploit and dispose of explosive
ordnance threats.
Eric is a qualified joint officer, a Navy EOD officer and qualified Master EOD Technician, a Navy
Diving Officer, a surface warfare and engineer of the watch qualified officer, a military freefall
parachutist, a master training specialist and a graduate of the National Defense University and
Senior Acquisition Course. Most importantly, he is honored to continue rowing with the greater bomb
disposal team.
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